from our point of view the ideal engine for the timeless roadster – especially in combination with the 5-speed automatic transmission.
The R107 roadster was launched as the successor to the so-called “Pagoda” in the early 1970s and was superseded by the R129 SL at the end of 1989. It was one of the longest produced vehicles at Mercedes-Benz.
The V8s offered at the time, such as the 350SL, were not a source of pure driving pleasure, not least because of the aged automatic.
RPR-Motors therefore offers with innovative solutions the possibility to modify these roadsters with unimagined sportiness in.
You know that higher speeds, high RPMs and miles of stop-and-go are poison for your aged Mercedes. The high temperatures cause problems for your classic, often it doesn’t start or runs out of round, especially when warm.
The high fuel consumption and unfiltered exhaust emissions are no longer in keeping with the times. Often, for this very reason, the sweetheart is rarely moved.
We therefore ask : Does it have to be?
RPR Motors offers you with our technical upgrade of your vehicle the possibility to restore the everyday usability, the safety aspect and last but not least the driving pleasure.
You will quickly learn to appreciate the perfect symbiosis between a classic, stylish appearance and the reliability and sportiness of modern technology.
Experience as an individualist also your individual Mercedes. Pure driving fun, with desire & passion, that's what we stand for at RPR-Motors!
On paper, you only have a paltry 100cc difference.
In practice, everything speaks for the R-SL 55. A sporty roadster with a contemporary design.
Detached from the powerful engine with rich torque via the comfortable yet sporty 5-speed automatic.
The whole combined with a differential lock.
The result: pure driving pleasure.
The facts speak for themselves. The R-SL55 with 55 AMG engine is a pure driving machine.
Seit 2012 implementieren wir , von außen meist unsichtbar, moderne Mercedes Technik in ausgewählte Klassiker. Angefangen vom Alltagstauglichen V6 bzw. V8 Motor über das zuverlässige und komfortable 5-Gang Automatikgetriebe. Dazu haben wir ein einzigartiges Konzept mit der moderne Raumlenkerachse in Verbindung mit der Luftfederung entwickelt. Für Ihre Sicherheit & den ultimativen Fahrspaß.
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